Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My Thoughts,

Well Prime Minister MODI is here; and we expect him to change India overnight in every conceivable way. But, there still are some things for which we do not need MODI. These are things each one of us can do ourselves.

Take a look at this list:

1. Stop Overpopulating:
 India has a population of 1.25 billion people. And we add 1.55 Crore people every year.  We just do not have the place.  Many other countries like US, Russia & China have SIX times more place. The more the number of people, the less of everything for everyone. And MODI is not responsible for this.

2. Reduce Waste:
 The waste collected in our cities alone is 68.8 million tons a year or 188,500 tons a day. MODI just cannot clean it. We have to generate less waste & try to clean ourselves up.

3. Get Fitter:
Sedentary life is a major risk for several lifestyle ailments. Quit or atleast reduce smoking & drinking.  Forty-eight per cent of Indian men consume tobacco. Smoking is the third-largest risk to life in India. YOU need to stop this; not MODI.

4. Plant Trees:
Trees & forest cover are vital. They provide shade, secure the environment & keep natures cycle turning over smoothly.  But, India today struggles to have 33% tree cover. This is a serious challenge & needs to be changed. MODI can help, but YOU need to do it.

5. Read more:
Indians need to read more.  The young of India barely read books. They prefer music and films (77%), news and current affairs (72%). Maximum time was spent on TV, followed by radio and the internet.  Books came last.  This needs to change. YOU need to read; MODI cannot do it for you.
Let us start doing the above TODAY; and our lives will change for the better from TOMORROW. And well, let MODI run our country for us.